Get the Commit of the Last Successful Build in Azure Pipelines

The idea is to use Azure Devops CLI directly in the Pipeline Yaml

First, we configure Devops CLI

# Set Azure Devops default settings - bash: az devops configure --defaults organization=$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) project=$(System.TeamProject) displayName: 'Configure Azure DevOps organization and project'

Then we can query the pipelines API (providing the auth token)

# Get last successfully commit infos from Azure Devops - bash: | LAST_SHA=$(az pipelines build list --branch $(Build.SourceBranchName) --definition-ids $(System.DefinitionId) --result succeeded --top 1 --query "[0].triggerInfo.\"ci.sourceSha\"") echo "Last successful commit SHA: $LAST_SHA" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BASE_SHA]$LAST_SHA" displayName: 'Get last successful commit SHA' env: AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT: $(System.AccessToken)

We can target a specific build, in this example we specified:

  • The branch (--branch)
  • The pipeline Id (--definition-ids)
  • The result type (--result)
  • The number of result (-top)

By default the command returns an entire JSON object with all the information. But we can narrow it down to the desired result with the --query param that uses JMESPath format (more details)

Finally we extract the result in a common custom variable named BASE_SHA used later by nx affected commands

An example with a default SHA in case no commit is found:

trigger: - main pr: - main variables: CI: 'true' NX_BRANCH: $(Build.SourceBranchName) DEFAULT_BASE_SHA: $(git rev-parse HEAD~1) HEAD_SHA: $(git rev-parse HEAD) jobs: - job: main pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' steps: # Set Azure Devops CLI default settings - bash: az devops configure --defaults organization=$(System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri) project=$(System.TeamProject) displayName: 'Set default Azure DevOps organization and project' # Get last successfull commit from Azure Devops CLI - bash: | LAST_SHA=$(az pipelines build list --branch $(Build.SourceBranchName) --definition-ids $(System.DefinitionId) --result succeeded --top 1 --query "[0].triggerInfo.\"ci.sourceSha\"") if [ -z "$LAST_SHA" ] then LAST_SHA=$DEFAULT_BASE_SHA fi echo "Last successful commit SHA: $LAST_SHA" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BASE_SHA]$LAST_SHA" displayName: 'Get last successful commit SHA' env: AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT: $(System.AccessToken) - script: npm ci - script: npx nx format:check - script: npx nx affected --base=$(BASE_SHA) -t lint --parallel=3 - script: npx nx affected --base=$(BASE_SHA) -t test --parallel=3 --ci --code-coverage - script: npx nx affected --base=$(BASE_SHA) -t build --parallel=3